
Qian Gu, DO

初级保健, 内科

First visit for current pregnancy.

Annual wellness exam.

Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.

Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.

First visit to discuss gynecological health.

Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.

Annual wellness exam.

Patient has not seen a provider in the ${department} department before.

Follow-up visit for current pregnancy.

Patient has seen a provider in the ${department} department before.

Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.

Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.

Follow-up or new issue.

Wellness, preventive care check-up.

Wellness, preventive care check-up.

First visit for current pregnancy.

关于 Qian Gu, DO


  • 粤语
  • 英文
  • 普通话

关于 Qian Gu, DO

Gu 医生是一名获得委员会认证的家庭医学医疗服务提供方,她可以使用英语、普通话、广东话和福建话与患者交流。她认为,最有效的护理来自于患者和医疗服务提供方之间的协作努力。她毕业于纽约理工大学骨科医学院 (NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine),并在诺斯维尔普莱恩维尤医院 (Northwell Plainview Hospital) 完成住院医师实习。
