Yvonne Yeung 毕业于佩斯大学,获得护理学硕士学位,专业为家庭健康。她获得了美国护士认证中心的委员会认证,是 Harriet Rothkopf Heilbrunn 护理荣誉学会的一员。她致力于为来自不同背景的患者提供种族敏感的、高质量的护理,并且她很自豪能成为帮助人们对其健康做出积极改变的医疗服务提供方。
卓护医疗中心 (ACPNY) 诊所就诊
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New or Existing Patient?
Choose Appointment
First visit for current pregnancy.
Annual wellness exam.
Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.
Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.
First visit to discuss gynecological health.
Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.
Annual wellness exam.
Patient has not seen a provider in the ${department} department before.
Follow-up visit for current pregnancy.
Patient has seen a provider in the ${department} department before.
Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.
Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.
Follow-up or new issue.
Wellness, preventive care check-up.
Wellness, preventive care check-up.
First visit for current pregnancy.