
Rebecca Trojic, MD

初级保健, 内科

First visit for current pregnancy.

Annual wellness exam.

Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.

Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.

First visit to discuss gynecological health.

Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.

Annual wellness exam.

Patient has not seen a provider in the ${department} department before.

Follow-up visit for current pregnancy.

Patient has seen a provider in the ${department} department before.

Routine, sick, or follow-up appointment.

Wellness, preventive care check-up, back-to-school physicals.

Follow-up or new issue.

Wellness, preventive care check-up.

Wellness, preventive care check-up.

First visit for current pregnancy.

关于 Rebecca Trojic


  • 宿务语
  • 英文
  • 他加禄语


  • 艾姆赫斯特医院中心

关于 Rebecca Trojic

Trojic 医生是北法拉盛 (Flushing North) 诊所的一名内科专科医生。她坚信要为自己、家人、朋友和患者提供预防性医疗服务,以减少发生健康灾难的机会。您可能熟悉这样一个原则:“推己及人”,而 Trojic 医生将这一原则应用于她的护理方法。她倾听并关怀每一位患者,就像她自己去看医生时想得到的那样。同理心很关键,并且她总是确保她的患者知道他们的担忧是有效和重要的。
